Learning To Practice Radical Gratitude “One Day At A Time”

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash


“One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity.” ~Albert Schweitzer

What kind of strength is gained in the overcoming of obstacles? What obstacles have you overcome and what did you find on the other side of the conquered obstacle? What is that feeling called? Is it pride? Is it satisfaction?

Perhaps it’s a new sense of confidence, or even better, a renewed sense of confidence… Maybe, just maybe, in the process of pushing past the obstacle, by simply becoming curious, you discovered something about yourself you didn’t even know existed… Self-confidence!

Just like curiosity, gratitude is a superpower!

When we consciously express gratitude for the difficulties and challenges we face, we give ourselves permission to see the obstacles and adversity from a different perspective. I have come to understand over time and from the experiences of others, all events in life are neutral until we label them.

“It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” ~Epictetus

Instead of asking why something happens to us, we ask instead, what’s the lesson here? What is this experience trying to show me? What’s trying to emerge? This simple reframe changes everything. Then, once we have given ourselves permission to see the experience for what it is, we can authentically express our gratitude for both the experience and the lesson.

Radical gratitude is the understanding that we are responsible for how we react to whatever happens in our lives. Our response can be one of gratitude or blame. Choosing gratitude gives us the power of choice. If we blame others or circumstances, we are, in essence, giving our power away.

What is inner strength? Ah, now we’re on to something. Inner strength is the internal resolve where we move from the small “c” of contemplation, to the CAPITAL “C” of commitment!

Commitment is where an idea meets RESOLVE. When we combine commitment, resolve, persistence, determination, dedication, patience, and hard work, the outcome is a steppingstone on the path of achievement! And what might the name of that steppingstone be you ask? It’s the “steppingstone” of ADVERSITY now reduced to its actual size (adversity) and true functionality. It’s the first and most important step on your path to freedom…

Freedom is gaining the self-confidence to believe you can accomplish almost anything you previously thought impossible. Freedom comes from the act of commitment! Freedom is found in the ability to commit, then figure it out! Freedom comes from knowing that if our WHY is big enough, HOW will always materialize in support of WHY!

History is the teacher here…

A kite and a key, manned flight, harnessed electricity, a trip to the moon and back, telecommunications, computers, and now, multiple trips to a distant red planet that was once thought unreachable…


“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it.” ~Muhammad Ali

What are you ready to change?

Embrace adversity for the teacher it is and express gratitude for the lesson adversity offers. See obstacles as a natural part of the process of becoming whoever you choose to be. And finally, remember, a kite rises against not with the wind.

Keep Pedaling, Keep Going, Keep Growing!

Advance Confidently!

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In Gratitude,


PS. You can find out more about me here. You can find my book on Amazon.