“The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.” -Brian Tracy 

Most of the things we either fear or worry about will never come to pass. They have no real relevance in our lives other than the power or value we assign them.
Life is a sea of distractions. It’s very easy to get caught up in current events and all of the distractions arising from following the details of those events. The real questions to ask are how these events will directly impact our lives and what results we desire. When we take the time to question these and focus our effort and energy on what is most important to us, we also gain control over our thoughts and activate our goal seeking system.

When we focus, we literally concentrate all of our energy on the task or challenge in front of us. We can accomplish more in thirty minutes of focused thinking than we might accomplish in an entire day without a focused plan. We must keep our focus on the task and take steps toward reaching our goal. 

We must ask ourselves What skills do we need to improve? What activities will yield the greatest return on our investment of time and energy? Answering these questions will help our focus stay on the task instead of shifting to areas that are not part of the advancement toward our goal.

Answering these questions will focus our efforts on what we desire and squarely place worry and fear where they belong, outside of the scope of our concentrated effort and energy.

We must always keep our focus on what we desire because our thoughts attract events. If our thoughts are focused on what we don’t want and what we try to avoid, we might attract just that.