The Who And What Of Unsure To Unstoppable

Photo by Kaspar Allenbach on Unsplash


“You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills.” ~Jim Rohn

The introduction had just been made, the thunderous applause that followed was a meager foreshadowing of what was about to unfold. As the silver haired gentleman in the fine suit took the stage, a hush came over the crowd. The buzz and drone of excited voices were silenced in an instant. His mere presence commanding complete authority and on the stage in front of me was the most confident man I had never met…

Thirty years ago, I attended my very first Personal Development Seminar. I had no idea who Jim Rohn was at the time. The one thing I did know was he had been instrumental in my mom’s life. Since I had just recently met her for the very first time, (we were reunited after 26 years), I was blown away when she told me he was going to be in Las Vegas, and she wanted me to attend his event. She said she would send my ticket in the mail and all I had to do was show up ready to learn and take lots of notes. As it turns out, her advice about being prepared to take lots of notes was really prudent.

There are days and times in our lives that we never forget. This was one of those days. Even though I felt like a fish out of water in a room full of business professionals, I filled my spiral bound college notebook with the words Mr. Rohn shared with his audience that day. The foundation for my future was laid out for me when I wrote down the following words. “The major key to your better future is you.” He also said, “If you will change, everything will change for you.”

The only personal development I had ever been exposed to came to me in the form of bootcamp from the United States Army. This was a lot different than bootcamp… What I learned that day was the importance of the mental game, the importance of mindset and a commitment to self-improvement not just for the sake of it but for what it makes of us in the process. What also happened that day was the lighting of an insatiable desire to know about everything. Book recommendations were given, philosophy was shared and taught, and I walked away a changed man.

Thirty years later, I am now the one sharing information and the lessons I’ve learned along the way. This article is the result of a seed planted thirty years ago by one of the foremost business philosophers of all time. I regularly credit Mr. Rohn as the catalyst for all the success I’ve accumulated over my lifetime, one day at a time.

The saying reads that when the student is ready the teacher will appear. Well, he appeared, and I became a lifelong student because of that infamous day.

I could go on and on about that day and what I’ve learned since then, but this article is about the other “Four Strategies” to overcome fear and self-doubt so let’s get to it. I’ve included the first three below as a review. They are the “COM” of the “COMMITS” pathway to progress.

Tip Four: Make Mistakes… And Friends Too

“If you’re not making mistakes , then you’re not doing anything. I’m positive that a doer makes mistakes.” ~John Wooden

When I went out for my first long ride in preparation for the PMC (Pan-Mass Challenge), I entertained an internal conversation with myself as I contemplated the idea of giving up. The pain was excruciating. I wasn’t just cramping; my legs were spasming. It wasn’t just my calves either, my whole legs were involved, both of them.

What I didn’t realize at the time was I was experiencing the gift of failure. As I dealt with the cramps and worked through them, a conversation developed even deeper in my mind and before I knew it the negative voice was battling with the positive voice, it was trying to cheer me on. Fortunately for me the positive voice won out and an experience earlier in life provided the inspiration needed to push through the pain. It was a lesson from the military 20 years prior.

I leveraged that experience to push through the pain, get back on my bike, and finish my ride. The mistake I had made was not being properly prepared for the heat and the amount of fluid I was losing through perspiration. I never went out on another training ride unprepared. That mistake was my teacher. After the event I talked to one of my colleagues who was really up on nutrition and supplements and she explained what happened to me and gave me the tools and information I needed to make sure it would never happen again. So, between the mistake and a friend I learned a valuable lesson.

Tip Five: Inspire Others And Seek Inspiration

“Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant, there’s a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks. ~Johann Gottfried Von Herder

Inspiration is a form of expanded language. With inspiration the rare best of all we are capable of as human beings may be accessed . Our minds hold tremendous potential. We have within us the capacity for greatness inspiration is the spark, the thought promoting piece of the puzzle, allowing us to access a higher part of her consciousness. Ideas often come from inspiration. Ideas come to life when acted upon after receiving inspiration.

Inspiration is like a catalyst in the makeup of an experiment, it is a substance required for the experiment to proceed at an increased rate as it tends to speed up the reaction of the elements. Inspiration works the same way in our minds: it gives us the ability to see more clearly that which is yet to be produced. It helps us in the visioning process of creation.

When we share our experience like I’m doing now in this article, we give other people hope. This is how we inspire others. Making a commitment to always be curious and to reserve judgment is what gives us the ability to find inspiration in almost any experience.

Tip Six: Together We Accomplish More (A variation of TEAM)

“Together we are always able to accomplish what none of us could achieve alone.” ~Dan Zadra

This idea represents the true nature of the human spirit . The human collective is a force capable of accomplishing almost anything when combined with kindness, hope, and aspiration. This collective consciousness has led to the achievement of many great advances in the world.

The Pan-Mass challenge is a group event where a bunch of cyclists get together to ride for a cause they believe in. This collaborative effort wouldn’t be possible without the team of dedicated volunteers and the staff at. ( ).

Tip Seven: Success Is The Natural Result Of Commitment

“The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

As I crossed the finish line, arms outstretched, head held high, I still had no idea what I had actually accomplished and what my experience would mean to me later. The journey had changed me. I’m not talking just about completing the distance of 192 miles or that it was done in only two days. I’m talking about the commitment, the event, all of the training that went into it, all of the work, the sacrifice, the agony, and the victory, all of it. All of it was life changing.

More importantly, I discovered, looking back, who I had become on the journey and what skills I had acquired in the process of preparing for an event I didn’t even know I could successfully complete. My success was a direct result of my commitment and preparation. It was the natural result of my commitment.

This COMMITS Pathway To Progress I have laid out for you hear on the pages is a tried-and-true method used by thousands of cyclists over several decades to achieve and accomplish what many of them thought was impossible. I hope you find value in the words I have shared here and if you’ve enjoyed this article, I assure you the book is well worth the price you will pay for either the paperback or an eBook depending on your personal preference.

See the first three tips or steps of the process from last week’s article below the segment break and description below:

My COMMITS method is not just a PATHWAY TO PROGRESS, it’s a proven process to take you from where you currently are, to exactly where you want to be, not overnight, but systematically and methodically, one day at a time! And to get started, all you must do is choose to begin. To achieve success, all you have to do is make a commitment to the process, because success is nothing more than a commitment to show up and do the work.

Tip One: Choose To Begin

“Choices are the hinges of destiny.” ~Pythagoras

All things are created twice, first in thought, then in action. Beginning is a choice. Make the choice to “CHOOSE” to begin. Starting is the hardest part. Most people hesitate. They believe they must know HOW before they begin. Stop asking how and start asking who and what instead. Ask first, who do I need to become? Next, ask, what skills will be required? Then, get busy acquiring the skills and becoming the kind of person you need to be to accomplish what you choose to do!

This is “HOW” you become UNSTOPPABLE!

Take massive imperfect action! Dare to suck! Dare to fail!

Tip Two: Take it “One Day At A Time.”

“Everybody is looking for instant success, but it doesn’t work that way. You build a successful life one day at a time.” ~Lou Holtz

We don’t go from 0 to 192 overnight. We don’t go from thinking about running a marathon to actually running one. There is a process, and that process develops day by day, week by week, month by month, “one day at a time.” Becoming UNSTOPPABLE is a cumulative process that develops over time, day by day with determination, commitment, persistence, and patience. Trust me, the work and the wait are worth it!

Tip Three: Manage Expectations

“My expectations were reduced to zero when I was 21. Everything since then has been a bonus.” ~Stephen Hawking

Managing expectations is all about expecting the unexpected. Obstacles are sure to materialize if you intend to do anything worthwhile. Things will invariably go wrong. The weather, believe it or not, is unpredictable! A sunny day can quickly turn into a torrential downpour. Where do you think the term “rain on your parade” came from anyway?

Keep Pedaling, Keep Going, Keep Growing!

Advance Confidently!

If you enjoyed and found value in this article, please share it.

In Gratitude,

Bobby Kountz, Author, Speaker, Sobriety Scholar, Inspirationalist!

PS. You can find out more about me here. You can find my book on Amazon.