To Achieve Different Results, We Must Be Engaged In Different Thinking


“You too, can determine what you want. You can decide on your major objectives, targets, aims, and destination.”
-W. Clement Stone

To achieve different results, we must be engaged in different thinking. We must decide what it is that we really want. It is impossible to reach a destination if we don’t know what the destination is. We need to know where we are and where we want to be. Only then can we find a way to bridge the gap between the two points.

Each of us is gifted with the ability to determine what we believe at the time to be our best course of action. The reason I say we are “gifted” is because we are not like the animals that must follow their instinctual drive… No, our gift is the ability to both think and reason. However, when we are operating from habit, we tend to either take our gift for granted or forget it altogether.

Most of us don’t aim too high and miss. No, the majority of us aim too low and hit. We need only look to the books of history to understand that mankind is capable of remarkable things. When we set our sights high, when we determine with purpose and clarity our desired destination, there is nothing that can keep us from our desired objective except ourselves.

Decision is the mechanism of action that both sets our course and makes the minor adjustments required to keep us on track over time. Once we decide that we will succeed no matter what obstacles may present themselves, then it seems we are on a direct path whether it be around, over, or through, to our desired outcome, as long as we refuse to quit. Persist and win!

Keep Pedaling, Keep Going, Keep Growing!

Advance Confidently!