Is It Really Possible That The Key To Happiness Is Gratitude?

Photo by Photos by Lanty on Unsplash

The Answer to this Question Might Surprise You


“Gratitude is the KEY to Happiness.” -C.S. Lewis

What happens when we take a statement and turn it into a question? As human beings, we are wired to solve challenges, create solutions, and answer questions. The moment we pose a question to ourselves or others, our subconscious mind goes to work on seeking a solution. This is a natural occurrence and happens without us even really noticing the process has initiated, unless…

Unless what? Unless we are consciously aware and consciously ask ourselves a question so we can activate our solution seeking abilities. When we take control of our thinking, which by the way is the only thing we can ever really control anyway, we activate our ability to solve for whatever it is that might be perplexing us.

As an example, let’s just stay on track with the theme of this message. The title of this article reads: Is It Really Possible That The Key To Happiness Is Gratitude? After having read this just now for a second time, what are you thinking? Are you thinking about how you might be able to use this simple little “Six Word Story” in your own life? Have you asked yourself yet, what if this is true? What does this mean to you?

What if, what if you decided right now in this moment you would at least embrace this idea as a possibility? The moment we let our guard down and open our minds to a new possibility, something miraculous happens… Our minds expand, never to return to their previous state, because a mind once expanded will never return to its former level of understanding…

“The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Gratitude is the “KEY” that unlocks the “Fullness” of life. As a matter of FACT, this is exactly what Gratitude does:

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” -Melody Beattie

“Gratitude is the KEY to Happiness” is a simple “Six Word Story” I can easily wrap my mind around. How about You? Does it at least seem possible these six words could hold the KEY to Happiness?

Much has been written on this subject… It appears, at least on the surface anyway, that Gratitude & Happiness go hand in hand, the same way two peas share the same pod, or the same way we think of shoes and socks, or milk and cookies.

Gratitude gives rise to the very best of what lies inside each of us. And, when we take the time and spend the effort and energy to express our gratitude, it is this act that functions the same as a key placed into a lock that opens with ease, because it not only fits, but is actually the key specifically designed to go with the lock.

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” -William Arthur Ward

Gratitude is more like a verb than a noun. Its inherent value is experienced in the act of expression.

And yes, just like shoes and socks, or cookies and milk, keys and locks go together, and the KEY to unlocking Happiness, is Gratitude!

If you enjoyed this article and would like a bigger slice or scoop of gratitude, I recommend: Dear Gratitude: An Anthology by my friend and fellow gratitude collaborator, Chris Palmore. The book is available on Amazon.

Keep Pedaling, Keep Going, Keep Growing!

Advance Confidently!

Results Are Typically A Natural Consequence Of Our Actions And Activities

Photo by Luis Quintero on Unsplash

Better Actions, Activities, and Habits = Improved Results


“You don’t get results by focusing on results. You get results by focusing on the actions that produce results.” -Mike Hawkins

It’s easy to become so fixated on our desired outcome, on the results we are striving for, that we forget results are typically a natural consequence of our actions.

If we want to improve in almost any area of our lives, all we need to do is evaluate our actions. When we focus on our actions, we can adjust our activities.

Fitness is one of the easiest areas to evaluate as it relates to results because usually, all we must do is look in the mirror to understand whether we are achieving the results we desire.

Generally, if we are not experiencing the level of results we expect, we need only look to our exercise routines or our food choices to discover where we have let down in the area of the actions we know are required to obtain the results we anticipate.

If for example our desired result is a lean, fit, healthy body, unless we are genetically gifted, we will have to engage in a regular set of activities that support us achieving our desired outcome. We become what we focus on.

Our actions and our activities are what will lead to the achievement of our desired goals. The easy thing to remember is that we don’t ever do goals, we do activities that support our goals and the results we experience are a direct result of the activities.

If we are falling short in almost any area of our lives, all we have to do is take the time to look at what actions we either are or are not doing or taking and we will gain a clear picture of where our opportunity to improve exists.

According to several different habit experts, if we want to affect real change in our lives, we need look no further than our well-established habits.

The experts may disagree on the best way to obtain a specific result, but it seems there is one element they all agree on.

Our habits will either make us or break us.

The results we either achieve or don’t will be more related to our habits than almost any other contributing factor.

The good news for all of us is there is no valid excuse today for not adopting the habits we choose. There are multiple books and many free articles on how to change a habit.

According to Dr. BJ Fogg, you can simply start by flossing one tooth…

For more on this idea, see his viral TEDx talk in the link below.

(It’s AWESOME 😊)

Dr. BJ Fogg — Tiny Habits Expert

TEDx Talk

Dr. BJ Fogg — Tiny Habits Expert Help

Tiny Habits for Coronavirus Challenges

www.tinyhabits.Expert Help with Coronavirus Challenges For 10 weeks starting in March of 2020, Dr. BJ Fogg, Linda Fogg-Phillips, and…

Keep Pedaling, Keep Going, Keep Growing!

Advance Confidently!

The Spark of Inspiration

Learning to use Inspiration as a Catalyst for Creativity and Content Creation


“Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant, there is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks.” -Johann Gottfried Von Herder

Inspiration is a form of expanded language. With inspiration, the very best of all we are capable of as human beings may be accessed. Our minds hold tremendous potential. We have within us the capacity for greatness. Inspiration is the spark, the thought promoting piece of the puzzle, allowing us to access a higher part of our consciousness. Ideas often come from inspiration. Ideas come to life when acted upon after receiving inspiration.

Inspiration is like a catalyst in the makeup of an experiment. It is the substance required for the experiment to proceed at an increased rate as it tends to speed up the reaction of the elements. Inspiration works the same way in our minds: It gives us the ability to see more clearly that which has yet to be produced. It helps us in the visioning process of creation. 

Ideas will forever remain just ideas unless acted upon with faith, conviction, determination, belief, and persistence. Inspiration is the spark which ignites our ability to access the fuel in our mind for creative effort. Once accessed, the key element is action. We must take consistent action on our inspiration so the spark can be fanned into a flame. 

As the small flame of possibility grows, more and more action is added to the flame and soon we are on fire with enough passion to bring our project into reality. Our efforts literally create something from nothing, all from the spark of inspiration!

Keep Pedaling, Keep Going, Keep Growing!

Advance Confidently!

The Importance of Deciding What You Really Want

To Achieve Different Results, We Must Be Engaged In Different Thinking


“You too, can determine what you want. You can decide on your major objectives, targets, aims, and destination.”
-W. Clement Stone

To achieve different results, we must be engaged in different thinking. We must decide what it is that we really want. It is impossible to reach a destination if we don’t know what the destination is. We need to know where we are and where we want to be. Only then can we find a way to bridge the gap between the two points.

Each of us is gifted with the ability to determine what we believe at the time to be our best course of action. The reason I say we are “gifted” is because we are not like the animals that must follow their instinctual drive… No, our gift is the ability to both think and reason. However, when we are operating from habit, we tend to either take our gift for granted or forget it altogether.

Most of us don’t aim too high and miss. No, the majority of us aim too low and hit. We need only look to the books of history to understand that mankind is capable of remarkable things. When we set our sights high, when we determine with purpose and clarity our desired destination, there is nothing that can keep us from our desired objective except ourselves.

Decision is the mechanism of action that both sets our course and makes the minor adjustments required to keep us on track over time. Once we decide that we will succeed no matter what obstacles may present themselves, then it seems we are on a direct path whether it be around, over, or through, to our desired outcome, as long as we refuse to quit. Persist and win!

Keep Pedaling, Keep Going, Keep Growing!

Advance Confidently!