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True Success is a Blend of Qualities and Character


“Success is ninety-nine percent mental attitude. It calls for love, joy, optimism, confidence, serenity, poise, faith, courage, cheerfulness, imagination, initiative, tolerance, honesty, humility, patience and enthusiasm.”

-Wilferd A. Peterson

I discovered this quote while searching for a message about TOLERANCE.

The incessantly loud knock that interrupted the writing of this article originally had no place here but magically appeared to remind me of what I am now sharing.

We often write about, speak about, think about, and yes, even resist the lessons we most need to learn and understand.

Yes, almost everything I write about comes from my own willingness to examine the experiences of my life to see how they might benefit someone else.

Perhaps in the sharing of my own struggles, someone will see that whatever they are experiencing is normal and not a defect of character, but a lesson in disguise.

Where was I? Oh yes, this article and the quote I was searching for…

There are a limited number of quotes as it relates to tolerance by itself… On the other hand, there are almost an unlimited number of quotes on success. This quote speaks to the qualities of success, or as stated here, the attitude of success.

This observation brings me to the word success as an outcome versus success as a way of life.

I would submit the word success has over time somehow become misconstrued to mean something it was never meant to represent.

Success is not what we do or what we achieve; success is who we are, it’s who we become. It is merely a byproduct of how we live.

When we embrace and engage in purposeful thinking, we get to decide how we show up. We stop being at the mercy of things and circumstances.

The one thing we each have the capacity to control is our thinking. Our thinking generally controls our actions, but only when we are fully present and fully engaged in the process.

Let’s examine patience as an example, because it’s one of the virtues most everyone can relate to. If we are struggling with patience, we simply need to first acknowledge the struggle as an opportunity to be more patient and then simply think about what actions will change our level of patience…

This is where the concept becomes really interesting; tolerance improves patience, honesty improves patience, cheerfulness improves patience.

See the connection?

Yes, everything affects everything else and that’s why SUCCESS is who we are, not what we do or achieve.

Keep Pedaling, Keep Going, Keep Growing!

Advance Confidently!