Combining Our Efforts And Coming Together To Create Lasting Change

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash


“People acting together as a group can accomplish things which no individual acting alone could ever hope to bring about.” -Franklin D. Roosevelt

Much has been written about people acting together as a group. The ability to accomplish things that would otherwise remain dusty dreams in the deep recesses of our minds has much to do with this phenomenon. We have come to realize over the years when a like-minded group of individuals acts together, there is no way to know for sure just how much will be accomplished through their combined efforts.

Story after story, article after article, book after book, movie after movie, victory after victory, all we need do is simply look to our history to understand all that is possible when people come together for a unified purpose. As a matter of fact, there are so many stories, it is difficult to pick just one or two to illustrate this point. However, since I am the one writing “this story” I get to choose.

Writers privilege!

I will illustrate the power of collective unified groups by capturing a few phrases from the Twentieth Century that both pulled and then kept people together in times of great difficulty and tremendous struggle.

Like many myths, I wish I could tell you that Winston Churchill unified an entire country with the phrase “Keep Calm and Carry On” but unfortunately, as good as it might make the story, it wouldn’t be the truth. However, that doesn’t mean the words are not now indelibly linked to Churchill’s spirit and leadership of the British people.

The phrase is more popular today than it was when it was first coined in 1939 in preparation for World War II. It was originally meant to raise morale and unite England in preparation of the anticipated air attacks that would eventually become known as the Blitzkrieg. For whatever reason, although almost 2.5 million copies were produced, the poster was rarely displayed and didn’t  become popular until it was rediscovered in 2000 at a British book shop. Churchill did however unite the people of Britain with his words such as those used in his iconic 1940 “This was their finest hour” speech which he first delivered to the House of Commons and then later broadcast to the nation.

Many years later, America would experience a darkness of a magnitude it was ill prepared to deal with. Oppression clearly has no regard for boundaries.

During one of the darkest times in the history of the United States, a speech was delivered in Washington DC that would change the entire course of civil rights in America. The “I Have a Dream” speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. unified people around the civil rights movement.

With the words “We Choose to go to The Moon” John F. Kennedy unified a country to support the space race against Russia.

Apple introduced the idea of the personal computer, and today, we each carry one around that doubles as a communication device… The internet has completely changed life as we know it and the creators had to overcome challenges, they didn’t even know existed yet to make it a reality. What started as a search engine for the internet has become a company now leading us into the future with advances that aren’t even fully understood yet. Google Deep Mind is A.I. unlimited…

Today, January 20, 2021, in Washington DC, we witnessed the magic of this entire concept when it played out in real time as the words of a young poet laureate, Amanda Gorman were shared with a nation in need of unity and healing. Her poetic words may have done what no other words could. They served as a reminder of how far we have come and as a beacon of hope for a better tomorrow…

In today’s fast paced world, brands have become movements as well… The “Virgin” brand has become a group of companies focused solely on solving challenges within different sectors of society. Education as we know it is being completely redesigned by companies like Virgin and Mindvalley.

And finally, there is now a major shift taking place in the Healthcare Industry as well. There is a new focus on both health and wellness in response to people living much longer and wanting to maintain both their physical health and mental acuity. Fitness, and the fitness movement have taken the main stage. The focus isn’t only on physical fitness, but mental wellness is finally getting its proper due.

In the pharmaceutical arena, companies are looking to comprehend the body at a chemical level to better understand and drive innovation. Immunotherapy was for years mostly conceptual, but today, it makes up a vast part of both the products available to treat disease and is key for the research being developed to eradicate disease as well.

For an interesting review of each of the different areas of focus I discussed, we need only look to YouTube for a better understanding… Information on Churchill, King, Kennedy, Jobs and early Apple, The Internet, Google, Virgin and Sir Richard Branson, Vishen Lakhiani and Mindvalley, and a little video called “Fire with Fire by GE” that provides hope about the potential future of medicine as we know it…

Each of these causes, or major advancements in history, have one specific commonality, togetherness. When people unite to accomplish something none of them could ever hope to accomplish alone, history shows us that nothing is impossible when these like-minded individuals join together to make a real difference in the world.

Together, we accomplish More!

“One person may supply the idea for a company, community or nation, but what gives the idea its force is a community of dreams.” -Andre’ Malraux

Keep Pedaling, Keep Going, Keep Growing!

Advance Confidently!