Turning Possibility Into Flames Of Achievement

Photo by DJ Johnson on Unsplash


“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” -Foster C. Mcclellan

What does it mean to trust yourself? Do we develop trust in ourselves the same way we develop trust in others? Developing trust in others is usually a process. Over time, people demonstrate through their behavior and their actions that they are trustworthy. We come to know or realize over time that certain people will do what they say. They become people of their word.

Believe it or not, we often apply this same process to our own lives. We tell ourselves we are going to do something and then it’s almost like our mind is waiting to see if we will follow through on our promise. And what happens when we don’t honor our promise or commitment to ourselves? You guessed it, our inner critic or head trash says something like; see, I knew you wouldn’t follow through.


Or maybe, who do you think you are, you’ve never done anything like that before… Or why is this time going to be different than all the other times you said you wouldn’t quit, wouldn’t give up, wouldn’t fail?


How do we go about creating the kind of self we will be happy to live with all our lives?

We start by honoring the promises we make to ourselves. When we honor our promises or our commitments, we subconsciously begin to build self-confidence. Our mind says hey, let’s check the memory banks and see what the history of previous attempts says. And, if we have been true to ourselves and have honored our commitments, our mind says; this person has honor, this person keeps their word, we can trust that this person will DO what they say.


This is how our tiny sparks of possibility are fanned into flames of achievement. This is how we go from I can’t, to maybe I can, to if others can, then maybe I can too, to I not only can, but I will, no matter what. This is how self-belief and self-confidence are developed. This is how we become better over time, one tiny inner spark at a time. One honored commitment at a time. One day at a time!

Keep Pedaling, Keep Going, Keep Growing!

Advance Confidently!